Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The Black America's Next Top Model Report

I missed the show last week but was determined to see it this week. What do I like about it, you wonder. I find Tyra interesting in the way tries to portray herself as a "homegrrl". This week she did this fake falling out thing as a prelude to the girls' improv sessions. Danielle got ragged on about her Southern accent and Tyra kept trying to imitate it and told her she must learn not to speak that way. Danielle responded, "Yes ma'am" in her sweet, country way. Furonda (I just love black names! Her mother probably has a fur fetish and wanted it in her baby's name some kind of way. Maybe she tried "Furocious" or "Furina" or "Furelle..." before she picked Furonda) won the improv challenge and landed a spot on "Veronica Mars" and actually did quite well even though I don't like her in that weave or whatever it is. Jade continues to glow bitchilly (is that a word?) She tried to manipulate Nena (sp?) with her boyfriend drama and then cracked on Furonda's complexion in her rap session with Nick Cannon. Jay said she acted/looked like a drag queen when she did her commercial. She is a hot mess but even though she was one of the final two, I knew they would not let her go because she provides all the drama. Next week it looks like Nena will be the bitch. Why are the black girls playing the bitch roles this go round? That's traditional tv reality show fare I suppose but I hoped (naively?) ANTM was a little different. Anyway, my pick thus far is Nena but she's stressing out - why didn't she just hang up on the dude and why does she listen to anything Jade has to say? - and I don't think it's time yet for them to pick another black ANTM so I also have dibs on Leslie, who appears to be a "person of color," I think.

On another topic: saw Take the Lead last night. Enjoyed it with caveats. Antonio Banderas, YaYa (of ANTM), the brother from "Finding Forrester," Alfre Woodard as a weird-acting principal. Cute dance movie with some racial stereotyping - why do the black kids have to live in the projects with drug addict or prostitute parents and have deceased siblings killed by gunfire? Why do we always have to have the white (or in this case, Spanish) man come in to rescue the "at risk" black kids? The director obviously is a video director because she kept cutting away from the dancing or cutting into it so that you could never see the whole dance or even the entire move. Some improbable story lines as well with the white debutante and the big black dance for real. But if you're not looking for something deep or innovative, it's fun.


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